San Diego Chapter-American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)
Honor Award
Mast Park– Santee, CA
Old Mission Dam/Mission Trails Regional Park, San Diego, CA
La Jolla Bank & Trust, La Jolla, CA
Rams Hill Country Club & Resort, Borrego Springs, CA
San Diego Chapter-American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)
Merit Award
Navy Family Housing Gardening Calendars, Various So.Cal. Locations
Prairie Gateway Chapter-American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)
Merit Award
Testing Sports Field Industry Assumptions-Case Study on Synthetic Sports Fields
(Teamed with Jeffrey L. Bruce Associates)
Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA)
National Merit Award, Civic Category
Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA), Western Pacific Region
Award of Excellence
California Council Society of American Registered Architects​
Design Award of Merit
American Institute of Architects Orchid Award
Mast Park, Santee, CA
Carlsbad Research Center, Reservoir Recreation Site, Carlsbad, CA
Callaway Golf Cafeteria Facility, Carlsbad, CA
American Public Works Association
La Jolla Children’s Pool Lifeguard Tower, La Jolla, CA
American Planning Association (APA) - San Diego Section / California Chapter
Otay Water District -Audubon International Signature Golf Course , Chula Vista, CA
Associated General Contractors of America Award of Excellence:
American Institute of Architects Merit Award
Heritage Square/ ‘A’ Avenue Redevelopment, National City, CA
California Preservation Foundation Design Award
Old Mission Dam / Mission Trails Regional Park, San Diego, CA
California Park & Recreation Society Environmental Design Awards
Stelzer Regional Park, County of San Diego, CA
Kit Carson Regional Park, Escondido, CA
Associated Builders and Contractors of San Diego
American Water Works, San Diego, CA
Canyon Ridge Business Park, San Diego, CA
Associated Builders and Contractors of San Diego
Award of Excellence
Trails / Greenway Conference Award of Merit
Rancho Encantada Development, San Diego, CA
Associated Landscape Contractors of America
Environmental Improvement Grand Award
Callaway Golf-Blue Building, San Diego, CA​
Library Journal
Library of the Year Award
​American Concrete Institute
Art in Concrete Award (Civic Projects)