San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD)
San Diego, CA
VDLA was retained by San Diego Unified School District to provide landscape architectural services for several school facilities throughout the district.
Landscape architectural improvements at these sites include upgrades and new construction of soccer, football and baseball fields to courtyards, libraries, streetscapes and common area landscapes. Select school sites are joint use facilities shared by the San Diego Unified School District and the City of San Diego.
Landscape architectural services for these facilities begin with a site visit to establish the site program, identify users and inventory existing landscape and irrigation conditions. Following the site visit, research and analysis of water and hydraulic requirements, existing utility plans, and record as-built drawings is completed. Any conflicts are brought to the attention of a School District Representative and resolved prior to design.
After completion of the site analysis, a meeting with all of the stakeholders is scheduled to address any specific requests or additional site requirements for the design. Following the client approval of the preliminary design (design development phase) a final set of construction documents is prepared which may include the following but not limited to; demolition plans, wall and fencing plans, hardscape plans, irrigation plans, electrical plans, planting plans and cost estimates. Associated detail sheets corresponding with these plans are also included. All designs take in to consideration water conservation through the use of drought tolerant plants, central irrigation control systems, irrigation application methods and potential use of recycled water.
Bid Support and Construction Observation Services ranging from pre-bid meetings to final inspection of plant material and irrigation, as-built drawings and controller charts are just a few of the other services provided by Van Dyke Landscape Architects after construction is complete.
Various Project Sites and Costs:
Baypark Elementary: $60,000
Boone Elementary: $80,000
Cadman Elementary: $38,000
Chesterton Elementary: $195,000
Crawford High: $1,000,000
Cubberly Elementary: $20,000
Darnell Campus, $91,000
Edison Elementary: $5,000
Emerson Elementary: $250,000
Ericson Elementary: $36,894
Fletcher Elementary : $180,000
Florence Joyner: $240,000
Fulton Elementary: $6,000
Golden Hills Elementary: $400,000
Hamilton Elementary: $30,000
Hawthorn Elementary: $91,000
Hearst Elementary: $46,000
Jefferson: $25,000
Johnson Elementary: $190,000
Kearny High: $840,000
Keiller Amphitheater: $58,000
Keiller Middle: $150,000
Kimbourough Elementary: $206,000
King/Chavez Academy: $30,000
Kwachiyoa Charter: $230,000
La Jolla Elementary: $110,000
Language Academy: $55,000
Marvin Elementary: $340,000
Montezuma CDC: $15,000
Morse High: $200,000
Muirlands Middle: $173,000
Oak Park Elementary: 200,000
Penn Elementary: 250,000
Riley Elementary: $150,000
Rowan Elementary: $195,379
Rolando Park Elementary: $86,000
Serra High: 10,000
Sherman Elementary: $235,000
Sunset View Track & Field: $82,000
University City High: $25,000